Engineering Sustainable Futures

Welcome to Lightner Group, LLC, where we redefine commercial spaces into ​high-value, energy-efficient properties. Specializing in multifaceted ​developments, from upscale residential complexes to dynamic retail spaces ​and welcoming hospitality venues, we enhance your investment’s value and ​sustainability.

Are you ready to transform your property’s potential? Let’s innovate and elevate ​your commercial space together.


Sustainable ​Architectural ​Engineering

We integrate architectural ​prowess with the latest ​sustainable technologies to create ​spaces that are not only efficient ​but also environmentally ​responsible. From LED lighting to ​smart HVAC systems, our ​solutions are designed to enhance ​both the functionality and the ​market appeal of your properties.

Consulting ​Services

Our consulting services focus on ​maximizing energy efficiency and ​sustainability. Through detailed ​assessments and strategic ​planning, we help you uncover ​significant savings while boosting ​the sustainability of your ​operations.

Project ​Management

From concept to completion, our ​comprehensive project ​management services ensure that ​your projects are delivered on ​time, within budget, and to the ​highest standards of quality and ​efficiency.

About Us


Our mission is to architect ​transformative solutions that ​enhance urban spaces and ​promote sustainable living.


To be leaders in sustainable ​architectural development, ​redefining the future of our ​communities.

Core Values

High Character






Social Responsibility

Newsletters ‘Insights & Updates’

Vol.1: Economic ​Advantage of ​Sustainable ​Construction

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Read Full Newsletter Vol.1

Publication Date: ​7/8/2024

Vol.2: Sustainable ​Materials

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Read Full Newsletter Vol.2

Publication Date: ​7/12/2024

Vol.3: What Is ​Sustainability

Publication Date: ​7/15/2024

Vol. 4: Innovative ​Green Technologies

Publication Date: ​7/23/2024

Case Study

Project Overview:

  • Location: Washington, D.C.
  • Property: 25-Unit Residential Apartment Complex
  • Size: 16,875 sq. ft.
  • Scope: Retrofit with LED lighting, smart thermostats, ​occupancy sensors, solar panels, and high-efficiency HVAC.


  • Reduce Costs: Lower annual operating expenses significantly.
  • Boost Property Value: Enhance market appeal through ​modern, efficient upgrades.
  • Increase Sustainability: Minimize environmental impact and ​attract eco-conscious tenants.

Financial Snapshot:

  • Total Investment: $532,460
  • Rebates and Incentives: $304,875
  • Net Cost: $171,198
  • Annual Savings: $56,794
  • ROI: 3-year payback period

Key Upgrades and Benefits:

LED Lighting

  • Investment: $4,750
  • Return: Saves $18,000 annually, cutting electricity usage by 150,000 kWh.

Smart Thermostats

  • Investment: $5,000
  • Return: Saves $600 annually, reducing energy use by 5,000 kWh.

High-Efficiency HVAC

  • Investment: $121,289
  • Return: Saves $9,113 annually, reducing energy use by 75,938 kWh.

Solar Panels

  • Investment: $394,521
  • Return: Generates 219,178 kWh/year, saving $26,301 annually.


  • Long-Term Savings: Estimated at $567,943 over 10 years.
  • Environmental: Reduced carbon footprint and enhanced sustainability.

"This project exemplifies how strategic investments in energy efficiency yield substantial financial returns and enhance environmental sustainability ​and property value. At Lightner Group, LLC, with the guidance of our tax specialists and financial consultants, we're poised to uncover even greater ​savings and improve ROI for our clients. This case study is just a glimpse of the possibilities."

Want similar results for your property? Contact us to explore customized energy solutions.

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